Abroad Studies

Study Abroad or gaining an abroad degree is not only about expanding your career but also giving a lifetime experience. A lot of us always wanted to study abroad but do you know why students want to study abroad and what can be the real reasons to study abroad?
Let me explain what can be the actual reasons of study abroad:-
1. Abroad Education system– a lot of us already know that the Indian education system always focuses on the theoretical part of education whereas the foreign education system focuses more on creativity as well as the practical part of the study. The way abroad education system deals and implement the concept is far more impact in making students understand the concept and apply those concepts in real-life situations. The curriculum of the Indian education system is somewhere based on previously conducted research therefore not giving the students to learn something new and implement it practically. While in abroad education they have a curriculum that gives lots of opportunities to students to get out of their comfort zone and learn all the practical knowledge.
2. Opportunities– Abroad students get more opportunities compared to Indian students due to the education system. And studying abroad gives good highlights to your CV, and one more important thing is most of the companies are abroad based so it is easier for students to contact them and get a job easily.
3. More employable – Students who have an international degree are getting more preference from any employer because those students are more flexible and have more understanding of different work cultures and awareness around the world. Perusing an overseas degree gives you more courage to do anything for your dreams and goals. This experience gives you more wattage when it comes to internships and job applications.
4. Learn a new language– learning a different language brings confidence to your face and it also impacts your CV. You will always get more preference when you know more than 1 or 2 languages.
5. Get into a new culture– you will get a greater knowledge of different cultures. It is always easy to accept your own culture but living in another country can help you to learn new culture and develop your views of different cultures. It also gives you a new lens to see your culture and gives respect to a different culture.
6. Gain independence– In between the lectures and lab sessions you will get plenty of time to explore independently. And in between most of the students start doing
the mini-job, that will help them to manage their expenses as well as gain experience to get a job after their degree.
7. Explore – The biggest reason to choose abroad countries over India is you will get a chance to see the world during your education. Staying in a brand new country will give you a chance to grow as per your wish by exploring different cities of that country, you will become more strong mentally. Staying in the same place and only in our comfort zone will never give us a chance to grow and become stronger.

8. An experience for a lifetime – your study abroad experience doesn’t end under that campus gates. During the weekends and holidays, you have time to travel to any of the nearest tourist spots to get a lifetime experience during your college days. You can make friends from all over the world, and get a chance to understand the world from a different perspective, a different mindset. You have so many different stories for your friend and family from your day-to-day life. You never know you might end up finding an activity that you enjoy doing and also can make a career in it.

NEVER SAY NO TO any activity which can give you a beautiful LIFETIME EXPERIENCE…
Written By- Kajal Suman